My Little Corner of the Net

Performacing Blog Editor for Firefox

I’ve just installed an extension to Firefox that I’ve wanted for a log time: the Performancing Blog Editor.  Now, there have been several blog editor extension published for Firefox already, but most of them have been developed for specific blogging platforms, and until now I haven’t found one that works with my WordPress blogs.  A couple months ago I wrote about a FireFox spin-off browser called Flock that is specifically designed to edit blogs.  Flock works with WordPress, but it is still in beta and it still requires me to open a separate program when I want to blog something.

The Performancing editor, published by, the world’s largest organization of professional bloggers (whoda thunk there was such an organization), is activated by the click of a button in my Firefox status bar.  When clicked a simple WYSIWYG editot pops up.  I simply type my entry, choose my blog, and click the publish button.  I can also add the post to categories and even edit previous entries.  I can set up multiple blogs to edit and the extension’s clear labeling makes it nearly impossible to accidentally post to the wrong blog.  I can also upload images directly through the editor via FTP or HTTP.

I’ve only used Performancing to post two entries so far, but so far I’m quite impressed.  The only feature that appears to be missing is a spelling checker.

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